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Another successfull CBRN course for hospital emergency services

ICI organized its third level 2 and level 3 courses in September and October for the benefit of emergency department staff from hospitals. The purpose of these courses is to train hospital emergency services to efficiently accommodate people who would be contaminated in the event of terrorist attacks using chemical or radiological compounds.These courses

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Formation : Vers un renforcement des instruments juridiques et des mécanismes internationaux liés aux risques nucléaires en Afrique

Yaoundé a abrité, le 24 juin 2019, une session de formation régionale sur les instruments juridiques et les mécanismes internationaux liés aux risques Nucléaires, Radiologiques, Biologiques et Chimiques (NRBC). La formation était adressée aux experts en provenance de 10 pays de la Façade Africaine Atlantique –FAA : Cameroun, Côte d ‘Ivoire, Gabon, Libéria, Mauritanie, Maroc, Sénégal, Sierra Leone et Togo.


Le 24 juin à l’ Hôtel Djeuga Palace de

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International Workshop ICI – RISE’2019

The workshop “Rise 2019” held at the Institute on 1st of April encountered the desired success.

Eleven Nations were represented and had the opportunity to have information on the last technical developments in the CBRNE field and associated CBRNE measurements, prevention, protection and management.

We want to thank the speakers for the quality of

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Séminaire en Gestion multidisciplinaire des Situations d’Exception à l’ULB

Ce 05 mars 2019 ; l ‘ULB invitait l’ ICI au séminaire en Gestion multidisciplinaire des Situations d’Exception; près dune centaine de spécialistes (médecine de catastrophe, pompiers, policiers, services de sécurité,…) assistaient à cet évènement.

Le thème présenté concernait la nouvelle menace CBRNE et les nouvelles formations pour urgentistes y afférent.

Mr DUBUCQ, Directeur de l ‘ICI, était accompagné d’

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CBRNe Awareness Training of the NCT Team with Hotzone Solutions Group and the International CBRNe Institute

Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNe) threats are increasingly being used by state and non-state actors worldwide, enhancing their lethality and finding ever-changing ways to deploy them. In our mission to make this world a safer and more secure place, IB Consultancy (IBC), the creator of NCT events and magazine, is ramping up

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The ICI in close cooperation with HCR-CTRO (sanja.vakula@ctro.hr), DRONEVOLT (matteo.baronio@dronevolt.com), SNAIL-AID (patfordemining@gmail.com) and IMM (marek_b_kacprzak@wp.pl ), SITE (Torsten.vikstrom@sitesandinavia.se), under the auspice of the Belgian MFA, presented technologies for helping Mine actions in risky zones/camps of refugees)

Read Présentation GENEVE2019

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Conflict Armament Research faces CBRNE scenarios

The Company “Conflict Armament Research”   came back this year again to the ICI to deepen their knowledge in the particular area of ​​CBRNE. Once again, our instructors were able to demonstrate their hands-on experience and creativity by providing realistic scenarios for these field professionals.

It was also an opportunity for us to share our respective experiences

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