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15th International symposium on Mine Action, EKC contributions

Members of European FP7-TIRAMISU/ICI-EKC still active in Humanitarian Demining.

Professor Motoyuki SATO (Tohoku University, Japan) has presented his new ALIS MD-GPR detector of Explosive devices during the 15th International Symposium on Mine actions in Slano (Dubrovnik, Croatia)

The NATO study on detection of explosives with honeybees entered in his first milestone, getting CTRO (coordinator), the University of St Andrews, the University of Zagreb (Professor Kezic, consultant and technical coordinator), ICI (Professor Baudoin as consultant).

Dr TorstenVikström (Swedish SITE company) introduced the last development of the TIMS Information Management System.

Read also: http://ctro.hr/en/news/364-odrzan-simpozij-protuminsko-djelovanje-2019
